At times, the idea of drinking 64 ounces of water per day to me is laughable. (No, Diet Coke doesn’t count as water, good try). As a fitness junkie, I understand the importance of being well hydrated and the effects that not having enough water can wreak on my performance.
I can often be found guzzling crystal light just to meet the recommended eight glasses per day. But while I love Crystal Light, sometimes I’m just looking for something a bit more natural.
With no sugar or artificial sweeteners, “hint” is water at it’s purest. Accented with a variety of crisp, natural flavors, each bottle of “hint” provides a delicious thirst-quenching, calorie-free experience. The water comes in a variety of flavors including: Cucumber, Raspberry-Lime, Blackberry, Honeydew-Hibiscus, Mango-Grapefruit, Pomegranate-Tangerine, Watermelon, Lime, Strawberry-Kiwi, Pear. Each flavor is a guilt-free way to satisfy a craving for something sweet and refreshing. I am personally a big fan of the mango-grapefruit and currently have a bottle sitting on my desk.
When it comes to high fiber diets, getting enough water is truly imperative to healthy digestion. Many people make the mistake of increasing their fiber intake without adjusting their water consumption accordingly. Without the aid of water, fiber has difficulty moving through the body and could put too much stress on the digestive system leading to bloating and discomfort.
With zero calories, why not give every flavor a try? Go to www.drinkhint.com for more information about where to purchase “hint”.